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B.C. government investing $100M to protect freshwater in partnership with First Nations

The B.C. government has announced what it says is significant funding to help protect the province's freshwater supply in partnership with Indigenous people. On Monday, Nathan Cullen, B.C.'s minister of water, land and resource stewardship, said $100 million is being invested in a watershed security fund co-managed by the B.C.-First Nations Water Table (BCFNWT), which includes members from the government and B.C. First Nations. 

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Province, Blueberry River First Nations reach agreement

The B.C. government and Blueberry River First Nations have reached a historic agreement that will guide them forward in a partnership approach to land, water and resource stewardship that ensures Blueberry River members can meaningfully exercise their Treaty 8 rights, and provide stability and predictability for industry in the region. “This agreement provides a clear pathway to get the hard work started on healing and restoring the land, and start on the joint planning with strong criteria to protect ecosystems, wildlife habitat and old forests,” said Chief Judy Desjarlais of the Blueberry River First Nations. “With the knowledge and guidance of our Elders, this new agreement will ensure there will be healthy land and resources for current and future generations to carry on our people’s way of life.”

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B.C., Teck opposed to international study of Kootenay watershed pollution

Provincial opposition to a proposed investigation of Kootenay watershed pollution may have dashed initial federal support for the review, based on a trove of documents recently released through freedom of information disclosure by the Ktunaxa Nation Council. The documents show correspondence between the provincial and federal governments related to potential participation in the International Joint Commission, which adjudicates transboundary water issues between Canada and the United States and provides resolution recommendations to disputes.

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