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Indigenous activist uses traditional knowledge in a modern world to inspire climate action

Peltier’s work as an Indigenous rights and clean water activist was highlighted at this year’s Collision tech conference, which took place from June 26 to 29. As a speaker at the conference, Peltier discussed what the next generation of climate activists might look like. The 18-year-old has spent more than half her life speaking about the value of clean water to organizations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Although various long-term drinking water advisories have been lifted in recent years, nearly 30 warnings remain in place in 26 communities across Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, as of June 19.

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Statement by the Prime Minister on World Water Day

Today, as we join the international community to mark World Water Day, we are reminded of our shared responsibility to protect access to clean, safe water here at home and around the world. There is no resource more essential to Canadians and the Canadian economy than clean water. Water ecosystems, when managed properly, help alleviate hunger, poverty, and illness, fight climate change, and support biodiversity. This year’s World Water Day theme, ‘Accelerating Change’, asks us to speed up our action to keep our water safe, clean, and sustainably managed.

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Trudeau announces $800M for Indigenous-led conservation initiatives

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced $800 million in funding over seven years for large Indigenous-led conservation projects covering almost a million square kilometres of land. "Communities have been clear — safeguarding lands and waters will help build a strong future for generations to come," Trudeau said Wednesday. "As a government, our role is to listen and support that vision."

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Autumn Peltier hopes to meet the prime minister face to face again

Peltier says world leaders are always shocked and surprised when they hear her describe the water situation for First Nations in Canada. She says Canada is viewed by the outside world as a safe, rich country but feels First Nations people are treated like “animals.” Peltier says it seems to be ok for First Nations to go 20 years without clean drinking water but if that were to happen in any Canadian city, it would result in a state of emergency, that would be handled quickly.

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