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Statement by the Prime Minister on World Water Day

Today, as we join the international community to mark World Water Day, we are reminded of our shared responsibility to protect access to clean, safe water here at home and around the world. There is no resource more essential to Canadians and the Canadian economy than clean water. Water ecosystems, when managed properly, help alleviate hunger, poverty, and illness, fight climate change, and support biodiversity. This year’s World Water Day theme, ‘Accelerating Change’, asks us to speed up our action to keep our water safe, clean, and sustainably managed.

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‘We have to fix it faster’: 28 First Nations communities still under boil water advisories

Wednesday marks World Water Day, a day raising awareness of the more than 2 billion people around the world living without access to safe water, including many First Nations communities in Canada. The federal government says 138 long-term drinking water advisories have been lifted since November 2015, although some short-term boil water advisories have also slipped into the long-term category during that timeframe.

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Reliance Home Comfort Pledges $15,000 in Support of Water First to Mark World Water Day

Reliance Home Comfort® (Reliance) is a leader in home services and energy efficient solutions in Canada, with over 2 million customer relationships. In celebration of World Water Day, marked annually on March 22, Reliance has pledged a $15,000 matching gift campaign to Water First. Water First is Canada's leading charitable organization dedicated to working with Indigenous communities to address local water challenges through education, training, and meaningful collaboration.

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'A human rights issue that has been overlooked': Winnipeggers mark World Water Day

Water issues continue to disproportionately impact Indigenous communities, according to advocates speaking at a World Water Day event at the Odena Circle Wednesday night. "World Water Day is really important to reflect on our impact on water and water systems here in Canada, on Turtle Island and globally in the world," said Sadie Lavoie, one of the speakers.  About 30 people attended the event held at the Forks in Winnipeg to mark the annual UN observance day to raise awareness about the importance of fresh water. It's estimated that about 2 billion people live without access to fresh water.

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